Hey there, Welcome.

I’m the author and recipe-maker behind most of these recipes, but you will find others recipes mixed in as well. I started this blog merely for fun, to share my recipes with the world. This Lifestyle has been an integral part of my life and grown into my full-time way of living.

I live in Gulfport Mississippi with my husband Farrell Stiver Jr. who goes by the  name (Butch Stiver) and our dog Ginger. We have a daughter, Shelly, and a Son, Patrick. Apart from blogging, I love gardening  playing with my pretty dog Ginger sewing and trying new recipes.

Come and explore my delicious Low-Carb recipes.

Jackie Stiver

I’m Jackie Stiver!

I am the Owner of this site. I decided to build the Site to help others learn what it took me years to learn.

More About My Family

This is my beautiful  daughter Shelly. Sadly, we lost her to a brain bleed 3 days before Christmas 2020. We were shocked and devastated. She was a wonderful daughter and a Paramedic.

She lived in New Orleans, Louisiana, a couple of hours from us.

We miss her terribly. Organ donation was very important to her, so she is a hero for giving 2 people to see through her eyes, 2 people to live with her kidneys and 1 person to live with her liver.

I love you, baby girl, forever and for always.

02/05/1974 – 12/22/2020

My Son's Journey

My son is Patrick. He is a great son. Two years ago, we got the call that he was in the hospital and wasn’t expected to live 3 months. He lived in Dallas, Texas at that time, so my husband and I ran to his side to support him. We prayed a lot for God’s help, and he did help us. After consulting with several hospitals which refused to help him because he was too sick, we found a Doctor in Gulfport that sent us to Oschners Hospital in New Orleans, Louisiana. After 8 Doctors assured us that he would not live, God jumped in. He was on life support, and we got the news that he had improved just enough that they believed he would survive surgery, and they had found him a liver. He is doing great today and getting on with his life.

So You see, I as a Mother have been on both sides of the donor experience. Nine months apart, both of my children were on life support. My son received a donor liver, and my daughter was giving life to 3 people and sight to 2 others.

My Husband and Me

My husband and I have been married for 48 years. We are each other’s best friend. We have had a pretty rough two years, but are grateful to God helping us through the illness of our son and the death of our daughter. Still, my faith in God has never wavered. God held us together and pulled us through always. 

Delicious AND LOW CARB

Meal Planning

Weekly Meal Planning works Best For Me

I buy my groceries according to the meals that I will be making the following week. This does 2 things, saves money and keeps you from picking up unnecessary items. I do not bring junk into my house, so I won’t eat it. I definitely have a sweet tooth. The exception to this is the Holidays. I plan to eat them on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas day. 


Gayle McLeod made this bread using my recipe. She has great low-Carb recipes. This is a sight you are really going to want to visit. I have made many of her recipes over the years, and they are great. Below is the link to her recipes. It is beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpUpLD3I6a0J8dYJtG4BKg


This is my Grandson Chayse Stiver and his Girlfriend Layla. I love them both but don’t get to see them very much because they don’t live close by. Of course, Grandchildren are the best, and he is our only Grandchild.


Chayse Stiver



Ginger Marie


Brady's Little Brother Breaux

List Of My Top Family Recipes

Below is some of  my families favorites.